What Matters Most?


“The things that matter most should never be at the mercy of the things that matter least.” – Stephen Covey

Far too often we can get wrapped around the axle of life – the daily grind that we think is important and in doing so we can lose perspective on what really matters.

  • As children, we must learn that it’s not the toy that matters, it’s the relationship with the friend who wants to play with it.
  • As teens and parents, we need to understand that winning the argument isn’t what’s important. For the parent, what matters is helping the teen bridge the uncertain and often frustrating gap between adolescence and adulthood, and for the teen, it’s building trust and understanding so that tough conversations can be had with parents.
  • As adults… well, there is a myriad of unimportant things, but what really matters is relationships and serving others. If we’re a Follower of The Jesus of the Bible, this looks like being His Hands, Feet, and Mouth to those around us.

My Girls, I Hope and Pray that you will never allow your Love for God and People to be held hostage by the things that matter least in this life.

Challenge Question: What matters most TODAY?

God’s Word: Matthew 22:36-40Philippians 2:1-4 and Luke 12:13-34